Fees & Rebates

The Australian Psychological Society recommends an hourly rate for psychological services of $300 (2023-2024 financial year).   

Please find below our list of fees which are generally under the recommended rate.  

Session Fees and Rebates

At MFA we endeavour to make our fees accessible for the community whilst adequately remunerating our highly qualified and dedicated team of professionals. In honouring our value of compassion, practitioners have a limited discretionary scope to offer reduced fees to clients upon request. Please note that reduced rate fees are not guaranteed and reviewed on a session-by-session basis.

Cancellation Policy

Appointments that are not kept or cancelled with 48 hours notice prevent us from helping others in need of support. It also means our hard-working and dedicated practitioners do not get paid. This is why we ensure our policy is in place and enforced, to enable our practice and practitioners to continue to provide an invaluable service to our community. We kindly ask that all clients please show respect and courtesy by cancelling any appointments with 48 hours notice or a full fee is charged.